Did you know that you can earn college course credit through the work you are doing as a high school PSC member?
The Pulsar Search Collaboratory Course is offered through the WVU High School Access program. The HS ACCESS-Morgantown Early College Program enables you to reach your academic goals quicker and cheaper by taking West Virginia University courses at a reduced tuition while you are still in high school. The PSC course can be taken completely online.
When WVU courses are offered to high school students, a reduced tuition structure is applied. The high school tuition for each academic term is only $25 per credit hour for ALL students. There is never an application fee when you apply to the High School ACCESS program at WVU.
Qualifications: You must be a PSC student member in good standing and a Junior or Senior in High School. You must be approved by a high-school teacher before enrolling in the course. The ACCESS program has other requirements (such as a 3.0 GPA) as well.
Course Requirements: More information can be found in this description of the course.
Apply: The first step is to apply. Instructions can be found on the WVU ACCESS website.
Then you can sign up for the course. It is offered Spring 2021.
Course Details
Associated Term: Spring 2021
CRN: 17076
Schedule Type: Lecture
Instructional Method:
Section Number: 001
Subject: Astronomy
Course Number: 250
Title: Pulsar Search Collaboratory
Credit Hours: 3